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Knowledge resources


The use of knowledge resources and libraries is at the centre of the learning experience in traditional and online universities. In technology-enhanced learning methods prescriptors (professors, tutors, librarians and others) can easily link knowledge assets with every single learning unit, creating specific knowledge libraries bound to specific subject curriculums.

Meet Pep Torn from UNED and listen to what he says about the expertise on knowledge resources worldwide.

Meet our experts on knowledge resources
Gema-Santos Hermosa, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) [CHAIR]

Gema-Santos is the chair of the Knowledge Resources field of expertise from 2015. She joined EADTU with this new challenge in order to contribute with her expertise in knowledge resources from a double perspective: as a librarian and as a professor. Also to share experiences with other colleagues and to learn from them.

Gema-Santos Hermosa contributed to The EMPOWER Envisioning report:

She also contributed to the Knowledge Resources webinar (2016-2017) with the presentation: UOC Virtual Library Teaching Services and Learning Resources. And to the Knowledge Resources webinar (2016-2017) with the presentation: Knowledge Resources to be promoted for their use into the learning Community (Higher Education teachers and learners)

Both presentations can also be found on 

Fred Truyen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)

Frederik Truyen (°1961) has a Phd in Philosophy (logic) and is professor at the Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven. He publishes on digitalization, photographic heritage and e-learning for the humanities. He is in charge of CS Digital. He is experienced in data modelling and metadata development for image databases in the cultural-historical field, and currently works on digital transformation issues in then GLAM/CHI sector. He is the president of Photoconsortium, an international membership organization for photographic archives. Truyen is treasurer of the Europeana Network Association and a member of DARIAH-VL.

He currently directs the programme of the Master in Digital Humanities. In the Cultural Studies Master Programme he teaches online publishing and digital cultural heritage. His main research focus is the digital transformation roadmap for cultural heritage institutions. He has been involved in setting up the e-learnign envoronment for KU Leuven and in the development of a MOOC strategy. 


Cheryl Coveney, Open University of the United Kingdom (OUUK)
Christos Rodosthenous, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (OUC)
Evagelia Lappa, Hellenic Open University (HOU)

EMPOWER offers

To ensure the intensive use of e-knowledge and e-libraries by professors and students not only do we need to have expertise in knowledge and learning management, but we also need to design and embed complete information literacy skills actions into university programs.

Empower experts are highly qualified professionals who can help an institution to design an online/blended environments in order to:

  • Gain "knowledge literacy" skills defined as including information literacy, digital literacy, basic research, media skills;
  • Define a strategy and policies including legal questions to manage and use collections;
  • Apply learning analytics over the knowledge resources and library collections;
  • Have an international, multilingual and multicultural vision applied over knowledge resources;
  • Define the role of the library and the professional skills of librarians in order to become best allies of the professors in the learning process;
  • Revamp library services and spaces and enrol library partners in order to facilitate the new environment that students need.

Tools & resources


Using Zotero as a collaborative research management tool

In this presentation we will discuss how to use Zotero as a basic tool for organizing collaborative bibliographic research. We will shortly overview the basic functionality of Zotero and how it compares to commercial systems, and then zoom in on the functionalities that truly make it a social platform for bibliographic research. Working on shared bibliographies is an excellent way to shape the direction of a research endeavour, and helps forge a common understanding of the research field. But it is also an ideal tool to introduce students to the literature in a particular discipline. We will also highlight some other tools such as The Library Thing, which focuses on book publications. By Frederik Truyen (KU Leuven)

Website Zotero 

16 May 2017

Applying learning technologies and tools for creating and using KR in online courses: A Guide for educators and researchers

The scope of this webinar to facilitate educators for building an online course using knowledge resources (KR) and activities. We will focus on tools that can be used for building such a course and tools for creating KR and add them in an online course. Moreover, viewers will have the opportunity to watch a live demonstration using a demo course created in the Open University of Cyprus eLearning Platform. By Christos Rodosthenous (Open University of Cyprus)

14 September 2016

Knowledge Resources to be promoted for their use into the learning Community (Higher Education teachers and learners)

From a context-based learning, libraries can provide KR adapted to each learning context. On the other hand, from an adaptive teaching, where all learners are different but, however, most educational materials are the same for all, adaptive teaching technologies and KR should provide flexible study options to the students. Books chapters, articles, videos and other complementary material, available at the Library or that Library can search and provide, should let students to understand better the context they are studying and interacting with. At Open University of Catalonia (UOC) we are working hand-in-hand with teachers (meeting their needs and those of their students) in order to provide them tailored services and KR to contribute to the improvement of online learning. By Gema Santos-Hermosa (UOC)

7 July 2016

Working together with academics in a changing HE environment

Librarians at The Open University collaborate with module teams to embed skills activities, resources and live engagement sessions into the taught curriculum . This case study will outline the processes involved, review the outcomes, and examine the chain a changing environment. What happens when academics directly author their own learning content, or when Librarians are asked to provide support for MOOCs or commercial partnerships? By Cheryl Coveney (OUUK)

13 October 2016