Resource Bank The Open University
The 2020 Covid 19 pandemic means that universities need to quickly move to online learning. Rapid changes are needed so that teaching and assessment which traditionally was carried in in-person can happen at a distance. Below the Open University provides some guidance and resources to help educators make this move.
The Ed Techie
Martin Weller’s blog on open education, digital scholarship & over-stretched metaphors.
As the pivot to online gathers apace, some experts have been discussing if they have useful resources at the Open University to help. Lots of other people are doing excellent work online, so Martin won't try to collect everythig, but focusses solely on OU resources.
Technology and Education Research Group
Rapid changes are needed in this coronacrisis so that teaching and assessment which traditionally was carried in in-person can happen at a distance. Below you can find guidance and resources to help educators make this move. The aim is to keep the approaches as simple as possible, to minimise stress for educators and students.
How can you take your teaching online?
The sudden closure of universities and schools across the globe has created a demand in delivering educational content online. The Open University has long been a front-runner in distance learning, specifically online. Did you also know that they provide FREE content on OpenLearn, written by Open University academics? They offer a variety of FREE courses, interactives, academic insights and animations on a range of subjects.